About us ...
We do everything from designing and remodeling your living spaces
to repainting or repair of your rooms after or before a party / event
and repairing some masonry work on your house in order to change your place from a laughing matter, to a home that matters and stands out.
Lets make your dream come true and have the home you always wanted.
We've found that homeowners love the idea of one stop shopping.
We'll complete and manage the entire project so you have no need to negotiate and schedule with multiple vendors.
We are always working hand in hand with our licensed partners (Electrician/Plumber) This way you'll get an expert who can handle your specific project or "honey do list" rather than a "jack of all trades" who's not a master of what you happen to need.
Lets start flipping your investment! with
Rudis Tile and Design
Construction Inc.